Safe Passage 4v4 Soccer Blast - Registration
Participation is limited to U-9, U-10, U-11 and U-12 teams. There will be separate divisions for boys and girls.
Game format is a 4 v 4 so each team will need a minimum of 4 players. All players must be registered with Soccer Maine and complete and submit medical release forms (available below) before they will be permitted to play. Medical release forms may be submitted 30 minutes before their first game. Please note: If you are a Yarmouth Colts team, your medical release forms are already on file and do not need to be submitted.
Team registration forms and payment are due by September 7, 2019.
In the event that the Soccer Blast is oversubscribed, entry will be on a first-come first-serve basis. Your team will be notified as soon as possible as to its registration status. Full refunds will be given to teams that are not entered if the tournament fills.
To register:
- Complete the Safe Passage Official Entry Form 2019
- Write a check for $100.00 payable to "Yarmouth Colts"
- Mail check so that it is received by September 7, 2019 to:
Yarmouth Colts Soccer ClubATTN: Safe Passage 4v4 Blast
PO Box 506
Yarmouth, ME 04096 - Please also send an email to expressing your interest in the tournament so we know to expect your registration.
On game day:
- Bring one completed Medical-Release-Form-2019 form for each player.
- Arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your first game for team registration.
- Donations for Safe Passage are also welcome at the registration table.
- In the event the entire tournament is cancelled, due to weather, some or all of the fee may still be donated to Safe Passage upon your request.
- Once the tournament starts, no refunds will be made if the tournament needs to be cut short due to inclement weather.
We appreciate your participation in this special event and know the money raised will help Safe Passage provide the Guatemalan kids with an education.
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