The Healthy Colts

The Yarmouth Colts would like to introduce a new initiative for our soccer club called "The Healthy Colts".  The purpose of this program is to promote a healthy awareness of the rigors of this sport and educate players, coaches and parents appropriately.

The four cornerstones of this program are 1) Nutrition and Fueling 2) Emergency Protocols for Coaches 3) ACL Injury Prevention Warm-up and 4) Concussion Awareness.

The following resources are available for players, parents, and coaches to learn more about each of these areas:

We can’t do this alone though!  We need your help to make this program great!  We need volunteers!

The Healthy Colts program is looking for anyone who is interested in creating, participating and growing this program to benefit our young Colts.

If you're interested, please contact Kirsten Buchanan ( who will be leading this program.

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The Yarmouth Colts News Letter will be published periodically to share useful information crafted by Colts board members, coaches, wellness advisors, and other helpful participants in the Colts community. Sign up and stay tuned!

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