Maine Children's Cancer Program Walk

MCCP Walk - September 21st, 2019

Yarmouth Colts - Tucker's Team - Fundraising, please support the team with a donation. Fundraising Page

It has become a celebrated Colts tradition to participate in this meaningful event that raises both awareness and funds for this important local organization. Our support of MCCP began in honor of cherished Colts player, Jameson Tucker Olmsted, who sadly lost his courageous battle with cancer shortly before his 14th birthday.

While our commitment to MCCP originated with Tucker, it has grown to encompass the far too many families in our Yarmouth community whose lives have been profoundly impacted by this horrible disease. Tucker's wish was that he not be forgotten and that we not forget his friends at MCCP. Thus, we walk in memory of beloved lives lost in our community, in support of families currently facing the struggle and in solidarity that a cure is within our reach.

The Colts organization remains committed to encouraging our players to give of themselves, not only on the soccer field, but in our larger community as well. While your child's participation in the Walk is voluntary, we do strive for active participation. Colts takes pride in the large number of players we send to the Walk each year and MCCP remains deeply grateful for the significant presence and fundraising that Colts players and their families contribute annually. In addition, our players seem to understand the importance of being part of something larger than themselves and contributing to the well being of others.

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