About Us

In 1992, several avid soccer parents in Yarmouth learned of the existence of a youth fall travel soccer league in Maine, and the idea of a Yarmouth team was born. That fall, the Colts Club fielded two coed U-12 (under 12 years old) teams. A U-14 boys team was added a year later, and the third year saw the addition of both a U-14 girls and a U-13 boys team.

Today the Club fields 21 teams comprised of over 300 athletes: 11 boys and 10 girls teams ranging from age 8 to 14. As the program has grown, so has the level of commitment and skill of the players. Colts teams have proven to be very competitive in league play as well as in regional and state-wide competition. Teams from the Club have consistently been in the State Championship (Challenge Cup) Tournament.

The Club also runs two highly successful summer soccer camps - one for aspiring younger players ("Junior Colts Camp") and one for ages 8 through 14. The camps are managed by the Yarmouth High School Varsity Boys and Girls Coaches and staffed by numerous skilled college and high school level players. The two camps have regularly enrolled over 250 participants each July. Proceeds from these camps allow the Club to finance uniforms, equipment, field use, referees, tournament fees, and other expenses associated with running a quality soccer program.

Our U-13 teams traditionally have taken a trip prior to the start of their U-14 fall season. The U-13 girls team historically has taken a summer trip to Canada for numerous friendly games and to participate in a 250 team international tournament in Montreal. Likewise, the U-13 boys team has also traveled to Canada and even Ireland. During the Summers of 2004 through 2006, the Club was proud to host a U-13 boys team from Cobh, Ireland.

All of the coaches and members of the Club's Board of Directors are parent volunteers who dedicate tremendous amounts of time in order to make the program the success that it is.


Located in Yarmouth, ME

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