Hello again coaches,


I saw this on twitter and thought it was worth sharing:
Lots of great stuff there – I really liked the “coach loan” idea – which supports our use of GPS coaches. 🙂


In case you want to start planning some drills – check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXUnFkGOBOw&feature=youtu.be&a
I love the combination play prior to the finishing – too often we just do simple finishing drills without any build up or combination play that allows us to make the drill more game like.


Here is a nice video that has some passing patterns that apply to my favorite formations when we play 9 v 9. The patterns certainly apply to 7 v 7 and 11 v 11 too. We will talk a lot about passing patterns and formations this Aug and next fall.


Michael Hagerty, Sr.
Middle School Teacher
High School & Youth Coach
M.S.Ed. & NSCAA National Diploma