Welcome to Yarmouth Colts Soccer!

The Colts Soccer Club is a community organization whose mission is to provide Yarmouth kids the opportunity to learn and enjoy the sport of soccer in an encouraging and competitive environment. Learn more...

2020 Colts Info Night

  • April 6th, 6 - 7:15 pm
  • Harrison Middle School Cafeteria

Colts Early Bird registration is $150 and will be open from Monday, April 6th to Thursday, April 30th. From May 1st to May 31st, the registration cost is $175. A late fee will be added after May 31st.

2020 Yarmouth Colts Soccer Camp

  • Jr Colts Camp - week of June 29th
  • Colts Camp - week of July 27th

Colts Camp registration and links will open on April 6th.

The Colts Way

The Yarmouth Colts, following the example set by the Yarmouth High School athletics program, has established a set of principles that we expect our players to strive towards. We consider this of paramount importance. These fundamentals are not only vital for continued success on the sports field but for life off it as well. These precepts have been encapsulated in "The Colts Way", a set of 10 guiding principles based on Yarmouth High School's "The Clipper Way".   Learn more...

Join our news letter!

About Colts News

The Yarmouth Colts News Letter will be published periodically to share useful information crafted by Colts board members, coaches, wellness advisors, and other helpful participants in the Colts community. Sign up and stay tuned!

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